Erica Avey

Une photo de Erica Avey
Écrivain chez Clue

Erica était écrivaine chez Clue.

benefits of freebleeding

6 avantages du « freebleeding »

Moins de consommation, plus d'activisme.

A person is showing their Clue app data to a healthcare provider.
Photo de femme mangeant du chocolat.

Top 3 des mythes sur le SPM

Démystifier les idées reçues sur l'expérience prémenstruelle

A person with short blonde hair frowns while looking at their phone.

Tracking your period can help you understand PMS symptoms. Here’s how

Tracking symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle can help you understand your experience of PMS.


C'est quoi, un coregasme ? (et comment en avoir un)

Un coregasme est un orgasme provoqué par l'exercice physique.

icons from the clue period tracking app
illustration of a brain with thunder and distortions
illustration of a red fist with a band-aid x on the wrist
a row of blue pills and three white eggs on a light blue background
femtech companies join forces
3 purple hearts in a row, one fully functional, one torn apart and another stitched with a patch